Holiday Light Show Returns to Danville

Visitors to the Community Holiday Light Show at Ballou Park are treated to various creative displays. Each vehicle receives a ballot to vote on “Best in Show.” Displays that place in “best of” receive donations to their chosen nonprofit.

For the 10th year, during the month of December, Danville area residents and visitors will be able to enjoy a special nightly holiday treat in Ballou Park.

The Community Holiday Light Show will light up the night at 760 West Main Street beginning Thursday, Dec. 7. According to Taylor Roberts, special events coordinator with the Danville Parks and Recreation Department, this year’s display will be bigger and better than ever.

Holiday Light Show Returns to Danville
AMA Recycling got creative with its display at a previous Community Holiday Light Show in Danville. Courtesy Danville Parks and Recreation Department

“Over the years,” Roberts said, “more displays have been added throughout the park as well as lots of new activities inside [the] Children’s Village. We also expanded Children’s Village by having pictures with Santa upstairs and the activities downstairs to accommodate more people inside at a time,” she added.

Parents and children may visit Children’s Village inside the park’s Ballou Recreation Center during the hours of the show, said Roberts. Children’s Village includes free pictures with Santa, a model train display, hot chocolate, and more.

Holiday Light Show Returns to Danville
The Old Dominion Sports Car Club’s display at a previous Community Holiday Light Show at Ballou Park. Courtesy Danville Parks and Recreation Department

In addition to the Children’s Village, visitors may view and judge holiday displays built by local participants. Businesses, organizations, and families are encouraged to build a display in the Community Holiday Light Show to help spread holiday cheer to visitors, said Roberts. It is also a great way to support local nonprofits. There is no cost to enter a display. Those who wish to enter should contact Roberts at 434-857-3384.

Each builder designates a nonprofit for which they decorate their spot, and every vehicle that drives through the show receives one voting ballot. At the end of the route, the completed ballot is turned in to gate workers. Displays that place in the Best in Show earn donations to their chosen nonprofit.

Holiday Light Show Returns to Danville
Riverview Rotary Club’s display at a previous Community Holiday Light Show was just ducky. Courtesy Danville Parks and Recreation Department

Between the proceeds from admissions and the Best in Show contest, a total of $17,710 was donated back to the community last year. Over 11,000 people attended in 3,160 cars and 21 buses.

Roberts said over 300 volunteers helped to make the event a success last year, and the Parks and Recreation Department appreciates everyone who helps to make this annual event a holiday success.

Holiday Light Show Returns to Danville
Old House Life and Ramsey Restoration went vintage on their display for a previous Community Holiday Light Show in Danville’s Ballou Park. Courtesy Danville Parks and Recreation Department

Admission to drive through and appreciate the lights and displays will be $10 per car and $20 for a minibus or 15-passenger van. Cash and credit cards will be accepted onsite. Tickets are not available prior to arriving at the show. The Community Holiday Light Show will run from Thursday, Dec. 7 until Saturday, Dec. 23, from 6 to 9 pm each night. For more information, visit the Danville Parks and Recreation Department at and the web page devoted to the show at

Parks and Recreation
760 West Main Street
Danville, Va. 24541
(434) 799-5215

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